The key to amassing millions in Arena Breakout starts with understanding how to maximize your inventory space. Those few extra items you extract with each raid could make a huge difference over time. The following guide shows the best ways to make the most of every inventory slot in your backpack and stash.

Break down Inventory Items

Condense inventory items for maximum space efficiency. All backpacks can be rolled up to 2x1 or 2x2 sizes.

All unarmored rigs can be rolled down to 3x1 or 2x2 sizes.

Weapons can be deconstructed to save significant space. removing mags and grips generally makes guns take up only one row.

Use Rigs for Extra Storage Space

Many rigs can expand your backpack space because they hold more slots than they occupy. For example, the FA Commander Rig occupies 12 slots in your backpack, but it can hold 20 slots of space. If used wisely, rig stacking can significantly increase the amount of loot you can carry out of a raid. Check out the full guide on rigs here.

Stack Backpacks for Extra Value

Many backpacks can fit an exact duplicate inside themselves. Use this method to always extract with an extra backpack.

Most backpacks weigh less than 2kg but are worth thousands of Koen. This can be the easiest way to boost your profits, and save some extra bags for future missions.

Check out the full guide on backpacks here.

Strip Attachments for Easy Cash

Usually you can strip a gun of its attachments to still profit for a fraction of the weight and inventory space. Obviously, if you can fit an entire gun in your bag that might be smart, but as you find other valuables or run low on space it could be wise to detach scopes, grips, stocks, and other expensive attachments to save space and weight.

In order to extract specific parts from a gun, inspect it with the magnifying glass icon and tap each attachment to move them individually to your bag.

Always get Large EBoxes

Expanding your inventory space is crucial for being successful in Arena Breakout. Contacts like Evita offer expansion boxes to store more items, but certain boxes have limitations. Specific boxes for ammo, food, and meds can only hold their respective items.

This can be frustrating when your stash is full but you have empty slots in one of these boxes you can’t use. The ideal boxes to purchase are EBoxes because they have no restrictions on what items they can hold.


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